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Say goodbye to IFT First 2024! See you next time!

Dec 05,2024




Say goodbye to IFT First 2024! See you next time!

We had an incredible time at IFT First in Chicago! A huge thanks to everyone who visited our newly designed booth. We highlighted our ingredients exceptional performance in food technology and discussed with other outstanding exhibitors. 


For example, our DurOmega® Vegan DHA Powder 20% CWD, a vegan formula designed to meet the body's Omega-3 needs, particularly for heart, brain, cognitive, eye, and prenatal health.Thanks to our patented microencapsulation technology, our DurOmega® Vegan DHA Powder 20% CWD, derived from microalgae Schizochytrium sp., stands out in the market for its high content, excellent stability, exceptional sensory quality, and cold water dispersibility.Additionally, we offer DurOmega® Organic MCT 70% CWD and Sorbic Acid Powder F85 to meet various needs. 

Thank you for joining us and making the event a success. We look forward to innovating together.

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